2022-09-27 12:41:53

Easyfi Launches Electric Testnet Using Its Lending Protocol On Polygon

EasyFi has introduced a new solution for traders wishing to enter the margin trading market. The QuickSwap Testnet is linked to the Electric Testnet, which is presently operational on Polygon Mumbai. With the launch, traders can acquire short-term loans and trade margin positions using publicly available liquidity from a decentralized exchange. The entire process will take place on the EasyFi app, enabling traders to leverage hundreds of tokens on the platform to carry out leveraged deals. 1/ Excited that we are launching Testnet today..⚡️Let’s Go "Electric"⚡️ The next step in our Lending strategy for #DeFi.. Presenting our new product – "Electric" – for on-chain Margin Trading on #DEXs.. 👉 — (@EasyfiNetwork) September 26, 2022 EasyFi Application Mechanism Liquidity is provided to users by reputable decentralized exchanges. PancakeSwap, UniSwap, QuickSwap, and SushiSwap are a few of the sites on the list. Margin trading was accomplished securely and effectively with the help of the EasyFi application’s mechanism. One of the main aspects of the launch is that users will have access to some of the best-decentralized exchanges. Users will have access to a distinct pool of diverse assets where they may learn about risk and reward factors. Investments will now have a higher return with less risk. Any decentralized exchange that supports the pair will show the current AMM price...

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