2021-11-25 18:36:22

Bitcoin Thanksgiving Day Data Reveals Peak Possible Within 30 Days

Today across the United States, the masses are celebrating the annual Thanksgiving holiday tradition. In the past, the holiday has acted as a catalyst for the final phase of the Bitcoin bull run. To celebrate the holiday and the ongoing cryptocurrency bull cycle, we are looking back at the history of Bitcoin price action over the years to try to predict what is to come next. Please Pass The Bitcoin The tradition of Thanksgiving began in 1619, which celebrated the annual harvest ahead of colder winter months. Rather than allow crops to spoil, there was a large feast that sometimes lasted days. The tradition today is commonly centered around a turkey dinner, with stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, and pumpkin pie. Dinner table discussions range from tender to tense, depending on the family unit. Related Reading | 10 Bullish Monthly Bitcoin Price Charts To Start November Such dinner table conversations in the past have possibly had an impact on Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, with the holiday always occurring near important culmination points in price cycles. To celebrate in a very NewsBTC way, we’ve taken a deep dive into the history of holiday and the effect it’s had on price action. The results are quite interesting, and something BTC holders might want to give thanks for. Past tops and bottoms have been within 48 days of Thanksgiving | Source: BTCUSD on Thanksgiving Proximity To Peaks Give Holders...

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