2022-04-04 22:00:50

Prototype Vs. MVP

Every business starts with an idea, and converting an idea into a final product is a lengthy and complex process. The entire process can follow different approaches of which Prototype and MVP(Minimum Viable Product) are the two most commonly used ones. Depending on your idea and the type of product you are trying to design, either MVP or Prototype can work. The approaches are used to validate the hypotheses. Prototype When we talk about a Prototype, the general idea is a sample of the final product. It is a stage before the final product is being made. The prototype is used to check how the final product should work and if any changes need to be made before the final product is launched. Prototypes are used to explore ideas about the product as it is in the development stage. Prototypes can be designed on paper and shown in the form of sketches. However, prototypes can also be functional and interactive, just like a prototype mobile application. Various prototyping tools can help you convert your ideas and design into a working model. The method can be used at different design stages and is one of the best ways to explore concepts and understand their viability. Pros Prototyping is fairly inexpensive These are quick and easy to create They reduce the overall cost and time and help to understand any flaws in the concept MVP (Minimum Viable Product) It is one of the most practical approaches to launching an app or product which ...

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