2021-12-01 08:03:57

Cardano’s Next Big Thing: Genius Yield’s Initial Stake Pool Offering (ISPO)

Genius Yield is launching its ISPO: Stake your ADA, Support new projects and Obtain the new project’s tokens Genius Yield is a DeFi asset management solution implemented on the Cardano blockchain to provide superior yield optimization and high returns to users. Genius Yield has developed an AI-powered Smart Liquidity Management protocol that algorithmically automates asset allocation to maximize users’ annual percentage yield (APYs) while minimizing risk exposure. High capital efficiency is achieved by leveraging a concentrated liquidity DEX, similar in functionality to Uniswap V3, but completely redesigned from the ground up to fully benefit from Cardano’s UTXO-based ledger. While DeFi provides many investment opportunities, managing capital is both complex and time-consuming for most users. Genius Yield is an all-in-one solution that enables users to benefit from advanced algorithmic trading strategies within an intuitive, hassle-free, and secure platform. Mission Genius Yield was designed to address the complexity of navigating yield opportunities in DeFi. Its mission is to democratize DeFi for everyone by providing best-in-class automated liquidity management, powered by AI. In the spirit of financial inclusion, the platform was created to cater to both sophisticated and novice DeFi users. At Genius Yield, we believe knowledge is power. This is why we created the Genius Academy, a community-driven educational and mentorshi...

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