2022-04-21 12:45:12

The Blockchains Go Green: How Metaverse will Reduce Global Warming

The introduction of blockchain-based metaverses offers an unexplored frontier in technology that positively and negatively impacts the environment. The metaverse is a virtual version of the elements of daily human life accessible over networked devices and peripheral gadgets. Virtual reality and augmented reality gadgets help users access the virtual space where they engage in activities similar to those in the physical world. However, the questions of how these innovative strides will affect the world require careful research to answer. There is a popular belief that the metaverse will be an unlikely saviour to the global climatic conditions. Here is why it is a solution to global warming: Metaverses will Reduce Emissions by Reducing Human Travel Requirements The virtual representation of the physical aspects of society in metaverses is a replica that offers people as realistic an experience as possible. The technology allows for simulations that stimulate human senses and trigger responses that mirror natural human interactions such as metaverse music concerts. Using three-dimensional visuals and audio will enable the users to mimic human activities but in the virtual world using supporting technology. The users joining the metaverses create their virtual profiles, such as avatars, that form the basis for interpersonal socializing. The carbon footprint resulting from the transportation of goods, people, and services is probl...

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