2022-05-07 04:45:46

Google Cloud Reportedly Creates Team to Focus On Web3 Infrastructure

Amit Zavery of Google Cloud reportedly informed staff in a letter on Friday that the firm intends to take advantage of the blockchain craze, and would be establishing a team to develop services for developers in the Web3 space. Google Cloud is forming a team to develop services for blockchain developers, according to a CNBC report on Friday. Zavery is quoted to state: “While the world is still early in its embrace of Web3, it is a market that is already demonstrating tremendous potential with many customers asking us to increase our support for Web3 and Crypto-related technologies.” The creators of Web3 pioneers have created a collection of decentralized and peer-to-peer solutions that they believe will become the next generation of the web. It’s an alternative perception that challenges the current web, which is dominated by big businesses like Amazon, Google, and Facebook’s owner Meta Platforms. According to Zavery, the company does not want to be part of the cryptocurrency wave directly. However, it is looking to be the leading infrastructure provider for the technology, he said. Google Cloud showing keen interest in blockchain, Web3, and crypto Google Cloud has been interested in blockchain technology for a while now. Google is taking another step to demonstrate its dedication to the industry by establishing an in-house team for Web3 tools. Following the surge in interest for non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, Google Cloud anno...

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