2022-07-26 12:07:52

OVER Brings Fashion To The Metaverse As Users Can Now Create, Buy, And Sell Clothes As NFTs

The metaverse has presented itself as a place where everyone can be themselves. With so many constraints on how people can carry and express themselves in the real world, the metaverse has provided a much-needed escape to a place where there are no rules to self-expression. One metaverse project that has stuck firmly to this freedom of self-expression is the OVER Metaverse. The project has previously provided users the opportunity to customize and dress their avatars how they see fit, but it still remained limited to the range of preset outfits available. However, with its latest innovation, OVER will allow avatars to be dressed however and in whatever a user wants as they craft their Digital Identity. Purchase Clothes As NFTs Fashion often transcends time, and with the metaverse innovations, it is now transcending realities. The virtual reality world of the OVER Metaverse allows all users to be and present how they want. Its most recent innovation, the development of Fashion 4.0, will bring even more freedoms to this virtual reality. Before now, there was no way to purchase clothing in the metaverse. However, with OVER, users can have a “wardrobe” for their avatars according to their preferences. This means they are no longer limited to the preset fashion options available in the metaverse. Users can dress their digital twin in any clothing across a range of styles. This will change the precedent in the metaverse space that a...

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