2022-07-28 10:40:41

Cardano Powered Metaverse ‘Pavia’ Details About Upcoming Updates

The Pavia team has announced an intriguing metaverse project built on the Cardano platform. A new map user interface is currently being tested in Pavia, which landowners eagerly anticipate. At the height of the excitement surrounding this crypto market niche, Pavia was introduced in 2021. Players can purchase real estate and in-game NFT or CNFT products here, just like in another well-known project called Sandbox, using PAVIA or ADA tokens. According to the JPG Store, approximately 18,000 people have purchased properties in the Pavia Metaverse since it first launched, with a total transaction value of more than 28 million ADA. Our team are currently testing our brand new website and map UI ahead of our exciting rebrand! In fact, this will be the last time we tweet the in this style. Are you a Pavia map OG? #Cardano #Metaverse #OGMap — (@Pavia_io) July 27, 2022 Metaverse Real Estate Report The Metaverse real estate market alone can increase by more than $5 billion over the next 3.5 years, according to a recent study report from Technavio. The popularity of mixed reality and cryptocurrency will be the primary development reason. Yet, the biggest barrier to the market is the inability to determine the accurate value of properties in metaverses. Considering that the biggest Metaverses are Ethereum-based, where even gas expenses severely drain investors’ bank accounts, it ...

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