2022-09-16 18:53:28

Top Projects Integrating NFTs into Gamefi: Nine Chronicles and its NFT project, D:CC

NFTs are all the rage today. Among their multiple use cases, NFTs in games are one of the most popular utilities. Various industries, including games, music, sports, and more, are using NFTs for a wide range of purposes. NFTs can potentially change how users interact with each other within or outside the gaming world. Let’s find out how the top projects in the blockchain industry are leveraging NFTs and more about the Nine Chronicles NFT project. How is the Gaming Industry using NFTs? Game NFTs have multiple use cases. For one, they help ascertain ownership of in-game assets. This might be a sword a player has crafted, a character they have created, or even an artifact found while playing. The NFTs are stored on the blockchain and immutable, and players can sell or transfer them. In other words, in a traditional game, when a game shuts down, the players will lose everything they have earned. But that doesn’t happen here. Instead, the game-based NFTs are part of the blockchain, so players will have access to the NFTs they own, no matter the status of the game. And because these in-game assets are stored on the blockchain, it is also easier to gauge and prove their authenticity and rarity. Rare NFTs of course attract a higher price than common ones. Lastly, the decentralized games working with NFTs are interoperable. In traditional games, in-game purchases can only be used in that specific game. However, in the case ...

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