2022-10-03 07:12:11

TIDEFI Mainnet And DEX App Goes Live As TDFY Sunrise Pool Token Distribution Nears

Providing streamlined access to a comprehensive DeFi ecosystem will usher in the next generation of crypto users. TIDEFI wants to become that gateway into decentralized finance through its DEX and with one ecosystem asset. Moreover, the project appeals to market makers, traders, and builders, establishing a crucial foundation for Web3 development. Unfracturing DeFi Access In the current decentralized finance landscape, financial equality remains tricky to come by. More specifically, there are many opportunities in the industry, but most are only accessible if one has sufficient knowledge of the broader industry and its currencies. TIDEFI aims to simplify this process by unlocking decentralized finance for everyone. Exploring traditional DeFi opportunities and protocols requires specialized software for different networks and solutions, assets across various blockchains, and the ability to keep track of everything. It is not something most newcomers want to approach, as it is overly complex. Instead, they seek a streamlined and more accessible ecosystem providing the necessary tools and a unified experience across all devices. TIDEFI offers a native standalone application that is different from traditional browser-based DeFi access. It is an application that provides all the necessary tools and features and works across all major desktop PC operating systems. Additionally, the same look and feel will come to dedicated applicati...

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