2022-10-04 06:13:07

The GMT Token launches new “Greedy Machines” NFT series

The GMT token’s smart contract was launched in 2021 by GoMining. It is an international network of mining hotels that rents space for equipment and engages in BTC mining. The company’s founders understand how difficult it is for an ordinary user to start mining cryptocurrency. Even large organisations cannot increase capacity with the increasing complexity of the Bitcoin network. GMT token allows everyone to earn rewards in BTC without any hassle. What is GMT Token? GMT mines Bitcoin on its equipment and distributes the reward among holders. Payments are conducted automatically via smart contracts, which have been audited by CertiK. Major part of the funds from the token sale are used to increase the capacity of GMT. Once the new equipment is put into operation, the issuer allocates an additional batch of tokens. The native currency protocol contains mechanisms for fundamental growth and protection against inflation. As the team commissions new equipment, they issue new tokens. The number of tokens issued is not proportional to the equipment capacity but is 20% fewer. That way, the team distributes the free power among all the tokens in circulation, ensuring that the power of each token grows, and so does the mining reward. A Brief History of GMT During the project’s existence, GMT increased the hash rate of the device park from 100,000 TH/s to 725,000 TH/s. In addition, it has expanded its presence geographically,...

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