2022-02-04 17:25:16

WeWay, a Revolutionary Crypto Social Media Platform, Joins Tech Incubator BlueZilla While Successfully Raising $3m From Investors and $800k Through Its IDO

The platform has grown significantly over the past few months, launching its own token, the $WWY, on major exchanges and expanding its value proposition with metaverse solutions. That has allowed WeWay to attract financing quickly: both from investors ($3M) and through its IDO ($800k). Among the strategic advisors to WeWay, are Yoola and Velas. Yoola is an international media network that helps bloggers grow online and offline. The US-based company is part of the top 5 largest international networks in the world and a leader in the Russian-language video blogging market. As a distribution platform, Yoola focuses on the globalization of content. It partners with creators to extend their global reach and penetrate emerging markets. Velas on the other hand is a Swiss-based tech firm. It is led by a diverse team of engineers, cryptographers, researchers, mathematicians and results-driven business leaders. Velas is the fastest EVM/eBPF Hybrid Chain mechanism blockchain. It allows building decentralized applications and smart contracts on its main net, which enables the scalability of the transactions, being able to validate up to 50 000+ transactions per second. Fundraising for WeWay was achieved at breakneck speeds with investors rushing forward in order to take part in the project. WeWay managed to gain $3 Million of investment funding. Furthermore, through the Initial Dex Offering (IDO) managed to achieve $800,000 in a very shor...

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