2022-03-21 16:59:06

YashaDAO Promises A Community-Driven Incubator For Crypto Projects

The global blockchain market hit a record high valuation of USD 4.9 billion in 2021, gaining traction across many major industries. Institutional venture capitalists and retail investors are fueling this trend and pumping capital into crypto startups and projects. By 2028, it is predicted to increase at an annual rate of 82.4 percent and soar to a market value of USD 394.60 billion! Despite the highs that the crypto sector has achieved and the potential, it holds for transformation, it is nascent and volatile. Due to the lack of regulations and oversight in this space, investors fall prey to fraudulent Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), shitcoins, and pump and dump schemes. These scams have made investors apprehensive about investing in even seemingly valuable projects. This has also led to difficulties in raising capital for high-quality crypto startups. If this is left unchecked in the long run, it will certainly harm the industry and hinder the widespread adoption of cryptocurrency. YashaDAO entered the scene to foster a healthy crypto investment ecosystem by solving the twin problems of capital fundraising and vetting genuine projects. But what is it all about? And does it match up to its promises? Read on to find out! YashaDAO: A Snapshot Of The Project YashaDAO is a decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol built on the Ethereum network. YashaDAO appears to have a solid foundation rooted in strong fundamentals of investments and...

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