2022-04-23 22:30:19

Theta Network Powering Video Platforms

In a global, peer-to-peer mesh network, Theta Network attempts to offer a more efficient way to transport content. Individual users are encouraged to offer their idle computer and bandwidth resources as caching or relay nodes for video broadcasts using tokens on the Theta blockchain. This concept attempts to improve stream delivery quality and alleviate the “last-mile” delivery problem, a major bottleneck in traditional content delivery pipelines, particularly for high-resolution, high-bitrate 4k, 8k, and next-generation streams. Most users will pull streams from peering caching nodes with adequate network density, allowing video platforms to dramatically reduce content delivery network (“CDN”) expenditures. The Theta Network intends to empower video platforms to deepen viewer engagement, produce incremental income, and differentiate their content and viewing experience from their competitors by adding tokens as an end-user incentive mechanism. Consensus Mechanism A committee of 20–30 Enterprise Validator Nodes and a second layer of 1000s of community-run Guardian Nodes make up Theta’s unique multi-Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) consensus system. Guardian Nodes seal blocks and work as a check on malicious or otherwise non-functional Validator Nodes. Guardian Node counts quickly increased following Theta 2.0 in May 2020. Theta community members manage around 3,600 Guardian nodes in July 2021. Components of Theta Network Theta N...

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