2022-05-20 23:30:29

Do Fundraising Platforms Need to Start Accepting Crypto?

Many fundraising platforms/nonprofits have begun to accept Bitcoin donations in recent years. In addition, at the end of 2019, well-known nonprofits/fundraising platforms such as UNICEF began accepting cryptocurrencies. “Save the Children” is a well-known charitable organization founded in 2013. Given this, it is unavoidable that most non-profits will accept cryptocurrency donations in the future. However, many fundraising platforms are still hesitant to accept cryptocurrency donations. One of the most common reasons is that this currency appears difficult to comprehend. However, if you know what to do, you can make the transition smooth and painless for your donors. What Are The Benefits Of Accepting Crypto Donations Attract Millennial Donors Philanthropy has evolved rapidly in the twenty-first century. Donation methods such as direct mail campaigns are less popular than they once were, but e-donation (electronic donation) is growing in popularity. Young people who want to help others are now giving in unusual ways. Young people can give money directly to people in need through sites like GoFundMe. Cryptocurrency is an excellent way to send money directly to people in need. Fundraising platforms must adapt to how people give money today and provide philanthropy that appeals to the next generation of major donors. According to an eToro survey, 43 percent of Millennials who trade online have less faith in the stock market than ...

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