2022-09-23 10:16:40 changes Play-to-Earn to Play-to-Win aims to bring in a new era for blockchain gaming by becoming the ultimate play-to-earn gaming infrastructure for Web3. Developers worldwide will soon have access to the Win SDK, an out-of-the-box solution that empowers their games to support NFTs and crypto rewards, alongside new game modes like PvP and tournaments, essentially transforming any mobile game into a competitive multiplayer experience for Web3. Revolutionizing play-to-earn with Win SDK The Win SDK was built with one main goal: to remove the hassle of monetization from the development process, allowing creators to focus on reaching their vision when creating the ultimate skill-based games. It packs in all the key features of the play-to-earn experience: A complete blockchain-powered crypto payments solution that uses non-custodial wallets and Win’s proprietary $FTW token as in-game currency; NFT-based leveling system and staking rewards, allowing for unlimited gamification opportunities; A complex match-making and player rating algorithm that enables PvP gameplay and ensures that players are always matched with players of similar skills for a fun and fair experience; Real-time analytics for tracking all critical data; 24/7 player support – players will always have access to a dedicated support team that can handle any issue; firmly believes that developers need to focus on their creativity and innovation, not on the monetization hassle. The Win Real...

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