Franklin Templeton Launches Spot Ether ETF on DTCC Platform Amid SEC Review

Franklin Templeton Launches Spot Ether ETF on DTCC Platform Amid SEC Review

Franklin Templeton, a prominent asset management firm, has unveiled its spot Ether exchange-traded fund (ETF), known as the Franklin Ethereum TR Ether...

PEPE Price Prediction: Will Pepe Coin Dominate Dogecoin And Shiba Inu In 2024?

PEPE Price Prediction: Will Pepe Coin Dominate Dogecoin And Shiba Inu In 2024?

PEPE Price Predictions 2024-2033 Meme coins are renowned in the cryptocurrency market for boosting investor morale, particularly during periods of mar...

The UK Competition Watchdog Focuses Microsoft and Amazon Partnerships in the AI Sector

The UK Competition Watchdog Focuses Microsoft and Amazon Partnerships in the AI Sector

The competition overseer of Britain is looking for comments on the partnership related to artificial intelligence between Microsoft and Mistral AI and...

DOJ insists Tornado Cash operated as a ‘commercial enterprise’

DOJ insists Tornado Cash operated as a ‘commercial enterprise’

The Department of Justice alleges Tornado Cash founders personally profited from the mixer while keeping it running amid proceeds from major hacks flo...

Bitcoin Price Prediction 2024-2033: Will Bitcoin Bulls Rally?

Bitcoin Price Prediction 2024-2033: Will Bitcoin Bulls Rally?

BTC Price Predictions 2024-2033 How much is Bitcoin (BTC) worth? Today, the price of Bitcoin stands at $63,930, with a trading volume over the past 24...

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