2022-10-03 08:19:24

XDC Ecosystem Partners With LDA Capital Ltd. To Raise $50 Million

A $50 million investment has been made by the global alternative investment group, LDA Capital Ltd, through the leverage provided by the founders of XinFin Network (XDC), an open-source, carbon-neutral, enterprise-grade, EVM compatible, Layer 1 blockchain. Collaboration of XDC and LDA Capital Ltd Ritesh Kakkad and Atul Khekade, the co-founders of the XDC Network, are confident that the partnership would accelerate network adaption and actual use cases. LDA is seen as a strategic partner rather than just a financier. The LDA’s planned and active participation in the network to progress the ecosystem has the XDC founders confident. Ritesh Kakkad proclaimed that the partnership with LDA would enable unprecedented expansion of the Layer 2 ecosystem across numerous use-cases in an exciting new era in the history of the XDC Network, with an emphasis on providing ever more value TVL (Total Value Locked) to the network. New Projects and Organizations in XDC The new initiatives and organizations in the XDC are committed to bringing in new institutional and retail members to benefit from LDA Capital Ltd. enrollment. The smart contract-based projects of the XDC have expanded dramatically since its introduction in 2019. The aim is that this new relationship would encourage the growth and development of Layer 2 initiatives inside the XDC Ecosystem. LDA Capital Ltd.’s Anthony Romano stated that LDA Capital is delighted with the advancements...

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