2022-10-03 14:46:31

Ethereum Sees Surge In Number Of New Addresses – Will ETH Shine This October?

The Ethereum Merge upgrade is expected to haul in more new users on the network which happens to be true with the surge of new active wallet addresses on the platform. Ethereum’s new active wallet addresses climb to a new ATH of 3,001.804 ETH seen to spike in terms of social media engagements and mentions ETH price up by 0.46% as of press time According to a Twitter post by Glassnode shared on October 2, the number of new active wallet addresses on the Ethereum network recently climbed to a new ATH of 3,001.804. While it’s true that this screams a boost in investor interest in the alt, the recent plunge in market volume and sentiment seems to be in contrast to everyone’s expectations to date. The number of new active wallet addresses on the Ethereum platform is seen to have dropped in August and recovered since September. Related Reading: Crypto Community Predicts Polygon (MATIC) To Rise Nearly 20% By October 31 Spike In Number Of ETH Addresses Trigger Increase In Social Metrics The increase in the number of wallet addresses also triggered a spike in social media engagement of the altcoin. Ethereum has shown a significant improvement of 4.63% surge in terms of social mentions and also 27.6% in social engagements. The Merge has created a lot of buzz on social media especially in the past month but the overall sentiment wasn’t purely positive. In fact, Ethereum is down in terms of weighted sentiment as seen in the last few days....

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