2022-10-04 23:00:26

Why The Shiba Inu Price Could See Some Major Upside This Week

Meme coin Shiba Inu has held up better than expected, but the digital asset is still down considerably from its all-time high. However, this has not stopped the development that has been going on behind the scenes, and now SHIB developers have begun to share the products that they have been working on. These, and others, have shown a promising future for the digital asset, but some show some possible upside for SHIB this week. A Game, A Whale, And A Burn The past week has been an interesting one for Shiba Inu. First, lead Shiba Inu developers announced that the SHIB Eternity game was complete and is now being tested by users. The game has been made available to community members in Vietnam and Australia, some of whom have taken to Twitter to share their experiences with the game. So far, the reviews have been good, and SHIB Eternity is set to be available for general download on Thursday. Related Reading: Exchanges Close Q3 With Massive Bitcoin Outflows, Why A Rally Is On The Horizon Another important development for the meme coin is a large purchase from one of the biggest Ethereum whales. This whale which is ranked as the 98th largest ETH whale, had purchased 300 billion SHIB. The total came out to $3,417,000 at the time of the purchase. But even more important was what the whale did with the tokens once purchased. This whale had moved the SHIB in two different transactions to anonymous wallets, presumably for holding. SHIB ...

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