2022-03-10 11:31:55

Pay to Lose or Play and Earn?

The gaming industry showed great resilience during the 2020-21 pandemic period, adding more than 300 million new users and $180 billion in revenue. Gaming is considered the hottest sector globally, and it is expected to reach a valuation of $320 billion by 2026-27. Thanks to the digitization of communities and the increase in mobile penetration worldwide, all age groups have a massive interest in gaming. It has become the ultimate form of entertainment and engagement on the internet. Over the years, gaming was treated as a leisure activity with zero financial upside. Players are the ones who usually pay thousands of dollars for in-game items and other premium gaming products. The return on that investment is not quantifiable outside of social status in digital communities. Well, that is now slowly changing with the emergence of play-to-earn gaming. By leveraging the underlying blockchain technology of NFTs and the metaverse, P2E games are providing skilled players a new avenue of monetization. Unlike the corporate-controlled Web 2.0 games, blockchain gaming promotes player-owned economies, giving power back to the players. How Play-to-Earn is Changing the Gaming Dynamic In the traditional gaming world, players spend countless hours honing their skills and advancing to higher levels of competition. In return, they don’t get any kind of compensation or reward. One hundred percent of the revenue generated is distributed amo...

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