2022-04-20 06:32:07

The WeWay Project is Betting on Web 3.0. Is It Worth Investing in the Future?

As crypto projects increased in popularity together with the rise of token sales in the last few years, joining projects on their startup stage has become a common concept. At the same time due to its popularity and potential to earn big money, many have been swayed to enter the industry without much understanding of the risk that comes along with it. Because not only that there are more opportunities for people to attain benefits, there are also more chances for people getting scammed. A global market research that was conducted by a new and promising team of developers has shown that big companies, famous influencers and brands have joined crypto projects and have slowly entered the highly-anticipated web 3.0 world. As we may know today, web 3.0 is the next phase of the evolution of the internet. Due to the fact that the concept is still fairly new and that there are still many aspects that still need to be improved, entering this next stage of evolution is not as simple as it seems. One would not be able to enter without having a team of engineers, designers, marketers, successful NFT collection, presence in the metaverse, and so on and so forth, because there is no a full-cycle web 3.0 ecosystem that exists to help influencers, artists, celebrities and brands to monetize activities, create games, and hold events for their fans. Thus, there is no smooth way yet to enter the world to keep up with the business and trends that...

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