2022-04-23 15:30:45

Hedera price prediction 2022-2025

Hedera is a decentralized coin that allows individuals to build powerful decentralized applications (DApps) and long-lasting enterprise networks for the economy. Additionally, it was created to provide a fair and more reliable system. It was supposed to eradicate some of the disadvantages of the previous blockchain platforms such as low performance and increased work stability. Hedera is one of the coins funded through the initial coin offering(ICO) in August 2018. Eventually, it was launched in September 2019 as open access to its mainnet. Investors were now able to buy the original token (HBAR) at an affordable price. HBAR has greatly enabled participation in smart contracts, carrying out many transactions within a short time. Additionally, making networks more secure by using the stake method. Investors, however, are able to stake their tokens thus increasing the security of the platform. The founders of the Hedera platform were Dr. Leemon Baird and Mance Harmon. The two worked for hand in hand whereby Dr. Leemon was the investor of the Hedera Hashgraph while Mance Harmon acted as the CEO. Current Price Prediction Hedera marked high volatility as the bands were widening on the 5-day chart starting on 15th April. According to the MACD indicator on the 24-hour chart, the moving averages are still lollygagging along and haven’t yet crossed the signal line. Indicating a bearish trend and uncertainty of whether to buy or sell. I...

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