2022-05-10 02:30:45

Causes and Effects Of Airdrop Phishing: What You Need To Know

Phishing attacks are one of the most prevalent cybersecurity threats today. Whether it’s a targeted attack or a mass attack, phishing is always persistent. The reason behind this persistence is that it’s a detrimental attack vector. Airdrop Phishing attacks are effective because they target users’ emotions rather than their intellect. Airdrop phishing is a unique type of phishing in how it’s carried out. While it is not a new attack vector, more organizations have started using this attack vector on users in recent times. Now we will look at the causes, effects, and ways to protect yourself from airdrop phishing. What is Airdrop Phishing? Airdrop phishing is a type of phishing that uses social media as the medium to spread its fake links. Scammers post fake links on Twitter, Facebook, and other social media platforms. The links look real, but they will redirect you to a fake website that promises airdrops if you click on them. Airdrop phishing is a social engineering attack involving the deceptive use of social media to obtain sensitive information from unsuspecting users, including usernames and passwords. These phishing scams take advantage of people’s trust in their friends and contacts to trick them with fake links appearing to be sent by a friend. For example, the scammer might pose as a friend on social media with an enticing message or try to get you to “like” or “share” a post that looks legitimate but comes from the s...

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