2022-05-17 08:14:52

Polygon, Fantom and Others Seeking to Attract Terra-based Projects

Polygon, Fantom and other blockchain platforms are trying to lure Terra-based projects, following the catastrophic collapse of its ecosystem. Polygon, Fantom Extends Support to Terra Developers In response to numerous Terra-based projects migrating to other networks in the aftermath of the Terra (LUNA) collapse, major blockchains like Polygon and Fantom are trying to attract Terra developers by offering assistance, supportive capital and other resources. On Monday, Polygon Studios’ CEO Ryan Wyatt tweeted that the Polygon community “is ready to welcome the developers and communities of these Terra projects.” The layer-2 scaling solution also revealed working with a number of Terra projects to assist them migrating to the Polygon Network. We are working closely with a variety of Terra projects to help them migrate over swiftly to @0xPolygon. We will be putting capital and resources against these migrations to welcome the developers and their respective communities to our platform. We will be sharing more soon. — Ryan Wyatt (@Fwiz) May 15, 2022 The next day, Fantom too extended its support to the Terra community by offering a grant program to help with integration, marketing and connections. Any Terra Luna projects out there looking for a new chain, please PM us. Fantom’s uptime is 100%, fast, low-cost, and reliable, with a great community. Can assist with a grant program, integration, marketing, and connections.#terra #Terra_Lun...

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