2022-05-20 09:26:55

Binance.US Hires Former Uber Compliance Lead as Head of Legal

Binance.US, the American division of cryptocurrency exchange Binance, has appointed Krishna Juvvadi, the former head of global operations compliance at Uber, as vice president, head of legal. Krishna Juvvadi Joins Binance.US as Head of Legal According to a Thursday blog post, Binance.US has hired Krishna Juvvadi, former global head of operations compliance at Uber, as its new head of legal. He also worked for the US Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division as a trial attorney early in his career. At Binance US, Juvvadi will lead the day-to-day operations of the company’s legal department. He will further report to Norman Reed, who joined Binance US in December as general counsel, with prior experiences from the US SEC, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, crypto and the fintech sector. By joining the company, Juvvadi follows the path of Binance.US CEO Brian Shroder, who was the head of strategy and business development for Uber in the Asia Pacific from 2016 to 2018. “Krishna is a skilled legal practitioner whose experience shaping and implementing the regulatory strategy of Uber translates extremely well to our similarly nascent, fast-growing business and industry,” said Brian Shroder, CEO of Binance US, in a statement. Forging Better Relations With Regulators Binance’s latest hire comes as an attempt to forge better relations with regulators. Earlier last year, the company had a string of warnings issued against it from...

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