2022-05-20 13:30:12

Top Reasons to be a Tron (TRX) Long-term Investor

Tron (TRX)has been around since 2017. TRX was one of the top six cryptocurrencies in early 2018 and the young Tron founder, Justin Sun stated that one of his missions in 2018 was to displace Ethereum. The target has not yet been achieved though Tron blockchain has made a lot of success since then. Tron has a present price of $0.07432 which is 58.73% higher than its present 52-week price of $0.04682. TRX is presently in the 14th position in the CoinMarketCap ranking of cryptocurrencies. Irrespective of this position, the Tron network token (TRX) might be an undervalued cryptocurrency for the following reasons: Tron token (TRX) performance with respect to some top cryptocurrencies In the past 30 days, the price of Tron (TRX) has increased by 18.08%. Bitcoin, Ethereum, and BNB within the same duration had reduced in price by 27%, 34.52%, and 27.02% respectively. This means that an investor who owns an equal amount of the four coins in United States dollars has increased by over 4.86 times when compared to investments in the other three cryptocurrencies (BTC, ETH, and BNB) put together. However, in recent times, the news had always been around Bitcoin, Ethereum, and BNB due to their higher position in the ranking. Tron (TRX) Higher Rebouncing Capacity When Compared to Some Other Coins Some cryptocurrencies went to extinction during and after the crypto winter of 2018. TRX was one of the tokens that were heavily affected by the hea...

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