2022-05-20 14:00:50

Tether Cuts 17% Of Its Commercial Paper Holdings Over Q1 2022

As per the official report published on May 18, Tether, the issuer of the world’s most used stablecoin, USDT, has cut 17% of its commercial paper holdings and increased United States Treasury bills with this reserve amount to back its stablecoin, USDT. Tether made the reduction over Q1 2022 and continues for a further 20% decline since April 1. The firm will highlight this 20% reduction in the Q2 report. The crypto project took these steps following the USDT stablecoin losing its dollar peg. The stablecoin dropped to 95 cents on May 12. In addition, to assuage users’ fears over the catastrophic effects of the recent bloodbath, Tether noted that its reserves were “fully-backed” in a blog post on Thursday. Related Reading | TA: Bitcoin Reclaims $30K, Why Bulls Face Uphill Task According to the statement of the stablecoin issuer, it has decreased commercial paper holdings. As a result, the holdings decreased from $24 billion to $20 billion in the first quarter. As well as, the company increased its investments in the market money funds and U.S. treasury bills during that time. The firm has added 13% to its Treasury Department and lifted the investment amount from $35.5 billion to $39 billion. Chief technical officer at Tether, Paolo Ardoino, expressed; Tether has maintained its stability through multiple black swan events and highly volatile market conditions and, even in its darkest days. Tether has ...

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