2022-05-20 17:00:38

Long Liquidations Continue To Rock Market As Bitcoin Struggles To Settle Above $30,000

The effects of the long liquidations that rocked bitcoin after the digital asset had fallen to $25,000 continue to be felt even now. Bitcoin which has since managed to recover above $30,000 once more remains a prime liquidation target in the market. Even now, a week after the crash that had seen it record its largest liquidation event in six, long traders are still being rekt in the markets. Bitcoin Liquidations Touch $61 Million Bitcoin long liquidations may have slowed down but they are far from over. In the last 24 hours, the market has seen more than 61 traders liquidated which has come out to more than $257 million liquidations in the last 24 hours. Naturally, bitcoin liquidations make up a large portion of this and long traders have been the worse hit in the market. Related Reading | Exchange Inflows Rock Bitcoin, Ethereum As Market Struggles To Recover Bitcoin liquidations touched above $61 million on Friday after a particularly brutal day of trading on Thursday. The majority of these had taken place in the mid-afternoon to early evening of Thursday that saw traders liquidate more than $30 million. This had been a result of bitcoin falling below the $30,000 level, a level which it will ultimately retake in the early hours of Friday. Indicators had turned bullish for the digital asset after this recovery. Even though long traders had seen the most losses for the 24-hour period, it was beginning to turn in their favo...

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