Seeking Alpha
2022-08-11 12:33:44

Bakkt brings down year sales, cash usage guidance after Q2 revenue miss

Bakkt Holdings (NYSE:BKKT) has reduced its full-year sales and cash usage outlooks after the digital asset marketplace's Q2 revenue missed Wall Street expectations. Shares of BKKT, meanwhile, are rising 2.5% in premarket trading. The company sees 2022 net revenue of $57M-62M, compared with the prior target of $60M-80M and the consensus of $60.2M. That's due to extended crypto decision timelines given tough market conditions and summer air travel supply constraints, it said. It expects to use $135M-140M of cash during 2022, down from $150M-170M in the previous guidance, reflecting cost-cutting measures. As Bakkt (BKKT) keeps investing in growing its business, the company said it's anticipating to continue recognizing quarterly net losses during this year. For the second quarter, net revenue of $13.6M fell short of the average analyst estimate of $13.9M but climbed from $8.5M a year before.Operating expenses, though, were much higher than sales. It incurred $57.1M in costs in Q2 vs. $39.8M in Q2 2021. Overall, the company suffered an operating loss of $43.6M compared with -$31.3M in the year-ago period. Adjusted EBITDA was -$29.6M in Q2, down from -$24.9M in Q2 of last year.Transacting accounts increased 10% to 681K Y/Y in Q2. and digital asset conversion volume jumped 60% in Q2 from a year ago given robust loyalty redemption growth, led by increased travel activity.Note that information in Q2 2021 represented the results of Bak...

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