2022-08-11 12:00:31

Glassnode Report Shows Bitcoin And Ethereum Derivatives Gain Massive Traction

The 2022 crypto winter seems to be one of the most severe bearish trends in cryptocurrency history. This saw the entire crypto market cut down by over 50% in value since the beginning of the year. Also, the situation in the crypto market got worse with the collapse of the Terra-LUNA ecosystem. However, the crypto market is recovering slightly from its trauma in the year’s first half. Bitcoin price is suddenly picking up despite its week’s instability and swings. Related Reading: Uniswap Price Falls Below $9 After It Met With A Sell-Off, What’s Next? According to the data from Glassnode, a blockchain analytics firm, the derivatives of the leading cryptocurrencies are making positive progress. Bitcoin and Ethereum derivatives are receiving increased attention from investors with more trading of BTC futures and higher ETH holders. The record from Glassnode indicates that the Bitcoin derivatives market has a slight directional bias. This means that investment in the market is coming with more caution from the investors. But on the side of Ethereum, there is evidence of optimism from the investors. The network records more demands for ETH against little withdrawals from the wallets. These overall events for Ethereum could be due to the upcoming Merge. As per Glassnode’s Future Open Interest (BTC) Metric, investors seem to have more confidence in the derivatives market. They are laying aside the events and fear tha...

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