2022-09-23 07:03:33

What Ethereum Can Bring On The Table For ETH Investors In Q4

As expected, Ethereum has been doing poorly since the much-touted Merge event. This was a groundbreaking moment for the crypto industry. Although the Merge was anticipated to boost investor confidence, it occurred at the worst possible time. The Merge took place at an interesting point in crypto history. The update went up on September 15—just two days after the United States CPI data was made public. There was a widespread selloff in the stock markets because of the Federal Reserve’s interest rate increase, reporting its annual inflation rate hike of 0.1%, and affecting the cryptocurrency market. On the day of publication, Bitcoin dropped 12.71 percent, and Ethereum fell 12.67 percent. The timing of the Merge’s launch was a last-ditch effort to maintain or perhaps boost investors’ trust. However, that did not actually occur. Related Reading: Polygon (MATIC) Downward Trajectory Faces Resistance At $0.94 Level Ethereum (ETH) Price Down 21% When everything was said and done, the Ether’s price had dropped by 21.1% compared to its 7-day moving average, as measured by CoinGecko. But @CryptoGucci, a Twitter user, disputes this. One Twitter user explained why the recent price decline shouldn’t be worrying. The increasing prevalence of Ethereum validators on the blockchain is a prime example. This increase in validators can improve the Ethereum blockchain’s overall efficiency. Additionally, the stat...

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