2022-09-23 09:28:13

CoinEx Charity Empowers Education and Partners up With Enredo to Introduce Nonprofit Online Courses

Affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, students worldwide now find it more difficult to receive education and learn. This is not just happening to individual students. An education crisis is taking place in countries around the world. The disruption of societies and economies caused by the pandemic is aggravating the pre-existing global education crisis and is impacting education in unprecedented ways. To help more students receive education, CoinEx Charity has built a long-term partnership with Enredo, a Colombia-based non-profit organization, and invested charitable funds to offer online courses that are free to over 20 schools and educational institutions, allowing more students to continue with their education. An “education crisis” under the pandemic Globally, 220 million tertiary education students have been impacted by the closure of campuses. The pandemic has aggravated the education crisis and threatened students with huge uncertainty. Meanwhile, families and schools have to navigate options of hybrid and remote learning. Despite that, some students are completely unable to learn during the pandemic. Adding to this global crisis is the negative impact of the unprecedented global economic contraction on family incomes, which increases the risk of school dropouts and also results in the contraction of government budgets and strains on public education spending. Source: Azevedo Mitigate education difficulties through strateg...

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