2022-09-23 17:30:24

Polkadot Suffers 10% Weekly Loss On Hawkish Fed – Time To Buy DOT?

To shed light on the protocol’s successes, Polkadot insiders have been providing key data. As it stands, these accomplishments are very helpful to the overall ‘well-being’ of DOT. However, the coin’s value has been down alongside the rest of the crypto and financial market. Is this downturn going to be a great chance to buy for investors? Markets are under intense selling pressure. The worry that the year-on-year inflation news on September 13 caused is still with us today. The overall market cap for DOT fell by 15.3 percent, from $8.75 billion to $7.44 billion. Polkadot has shed 10% weekly loss on the heels of the U.S. central bank’s not so rosy inflation assessment. As of this writing, DOT is trading at $6.33, down 8.6 percent in the last seven days, data from Coingecko show. These figures are not the only ones affecting market prices. Inevitably, the current interest rate hike of 0.75 percent by the Federal Reserve is seen to have a negative effect on the pricing. If things get much worse, this will have a negative impact on the value of DOT. How Soon Will The Price Rally Occur? Is there any way for DOT to recover quickly despite the general gloom in the financial markets? If one looks at the daily tick indicators, one can see that DOT has been met with resistance around the $8.06 mark. The price drop on September 13th is consistent with this. Once again, the price was rejected after reaching t...

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