2022-09-23 20:11:34

Compound Prepares For A Major Rally To $80, Here Is Why

The price of COMP remains above the daily 50 EMA as it approaches $80. Price remains bullish, holding above key support areas COMP price ranges in an asymmetric triangle with high buy orders. The Compound (COMP) token price has recently been volatile as price ranges in an asymmetric triangle prepare for a breakout to a region of $80 against tether (USDT). Despite the fact that the crypto market is in a state of flux, the Compound (COMP) price has shown tremendous strength as it attempts to break out of its trading range. (Data from Binance) Related Reading: PoW Tokens Take A Hit: Ravencoin and Ethereum Classic Crash Over 20% Compound (COMP) Price Analysis On The Weekly Chart Despite a drop in price from $850 to $30, a drop of more than 70% from its all-time high. COMP’s price showed great strength as it rallied from its weekly low of $30 to a high of $60 before failing to break above that region to higher heights. The price of COMP has remained in a range as it is unable to break above a weekly resistance of $66 in order to trend higher to a region of $80. To have a better chance of trading higher, the COMP price must break and close above $66. The price of COMP has formed an uptrend line that is acting as support; flipping this area of resistance into support will signal a more relief bounce for the price of COMP. If the price of COMP fails to break through this key resistance region, we may see the price of COMP range ...

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